Študijska komisija
Social complexity is a threat to social integration and stability.
Profound transformation of postmodern societies in their mainstream is underway since early 90’s. This process may be examined also from the aspect of increasing complexity of social life.
Rože za župana in strukturni skladi EU
Vabljeni na politično potovanje! Postali smo župan lepega slovenskega mesta, ki ga tare praktična težava: kako z omejenimi sredstvi, pristojnostmi in časom doseči, da bo večina ljudi ocenila dosežke njegovega […]
Objective Pluralism in the Theory of Value
by Albert P. Brogan, in International Journal of Ethics 41 (1931): 287-295. Source: https://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Brogan/Brogan_1931.html
Ne morš verjamat!
Računsko sodišče RS bo vendarle lahko naredilo revizijo TEŠ6, čeprav se ne da, po ex Šoltesu, http://www.rs-rs.si/rsrs/rsrs.nsf/I/D85E0E56871F4E58C1257C760028761B.