Delovni zvezki Slovenskega društva evalvatorjev, let. XV, št 1(Dec 2022)
Povzetek: Sodobne družbe globalnega Zahoda so urejene liberalno demokratično. Njihovo ideološko razklanost med leve in desne politične stranke so dolgo uspešno premoščale sredinske politične ustanove, četudi pogosto nenačelno. Zaradi neavtentično sredinske politike so liberalne stranke izgubile volivce, okrepili pa so se iliberalni politični programi, ki sredinske miselnosti ne potrebujejo več.
Pregled literature izlušči tri programe nove družbene sredine: post-liberalizem (Pabst), meta-modernizem (Vermeulen; Freinacht) in anti-postmodernizem (Žižek). Članek jih primerja s stališča treh lastnosti avtentične sredine. So programi radikalni do polov, med katerimi posredujejo? So navzkrižno presečni med njimi? Ali program v meta preseku svojih opozicij ostane prazen oziroma nedoločen?
Prvi program sredino razume vertikalno. Drugi jo razume presečno, ne pa tudi nedoločeno. Samo anti-postmoderni program je sredinski avtentično, da lahko postane slepoviden: niti slep za nevidno niti zaslepljen z vidnim. Članek sklene, da anti-postmoderna družba lahko ostane liberalno demokratična samo, če se preobrazi v avtentično sredinsko, kar pomeni v evalvacijsko družbo.
Ključne besede: Liberalizem, Post-moderna, Anti-postmoderna, Sredina, Vrednotenje
Can an anti-postmodern society still be a liberal democracy? An answer from the authentic middle
Abstract: Contemporary societies of the global West are organized as liberal democracies. Their ideological division between left and right political parties has long been successfully bridged by intermediating political institutions at the middle level of political structure, albeit often inconsistently and unprincipled. Due to inauthentic intermediation, liberal parties lost voters, and illiberal political programs, which no longer required the centrist mindset, gained strength.
The literature review identifies three programs of a new social middle: post-liberalism (Pabst), meta-modernism (Vermeulen; Freinacht), and anti-postmodernism (Žižek). The article compares them in terms of three properties of an authentic middle. Are the programs radical towards the poles between which they mediate? Do they intersect with each other? Does a program remain empty or indeterminate in the meta-intersection of its oppositions?
The first program sees the middle in vertical perspective. The second sees it as intersecting, but not indeterminate. Only the anti-postmodern program is authentical at the meso level so that it can observe contradictions as blindsighted, neither blind to the invisible nor blinded by the visible. The article concludes that an anti-postmodern society can remain liberal and democratic only if it establishes itself in an authentic middle as an evaluative society.
Keywords: Liberalism, Post-modern, Anti-postmodern, Middle, Evaluation.